The afternoon childcare program will be available from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on regularly scheduled school days. After School Care will be available on days when there is a 2:00 dismissal except on 2:00 dismissals before the holidays including Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and the final day of school. There will not be After School Care on days when dismissal is before lunch.
After School Care will be available on early dismissal days due to inclement weather until 5:30 p.m. if dismissal occurs after lunch. On these days, please pick up your child as soon as possible so the staff can get home safely. There will be no after school care on any days when school is dismissed before lunch due to inclement weather.
Childcare will not be available on teacher in-service days, snow days, holidays, or scheduled days off on the school calendar.
Fee: The cost for afternoon childcare will be $2.75 per hour for the first child and $2.50 per hour for additional siblings. A charge of $2.75 will be charged for every 15 minutes your child is here after 5:30 p.m.
Billing: Childcare billing will be included in the monthly statements. If you will be reporting your childcare payments for tax purposes, please request a receipt upon each payment for your records. We will not be responsible for end of the year totals. Pick-up: Parents must sign their child out during pick-up. If someone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a child, that person must sign the child out. The parent at registration must provide a list of those who may pick up a child.
Discipline: The after-school program is an extension of the school day; therefore all school policies will be enforced.
Special Requests and Instructions: If you have any special requests or instructions for your child such as changing clothes for a practice or someone other than a parent is picking up your child, please send the request or instructions in writing to the child care supervisor.